Class: c3.Axis Abstract

Defined in: js/
Inherits: c3.Chart


This class is abstract.
TODO: Normalize the zoom/pan implementation from c3.Plot.Zoomable
TODO: Ability to specify tick counts for ordinal scales?
TODO: Remove dependency on d3.axis for more flexibility, cleaner implementation, and performance?

An Axis visualizes a set of tick marks and units based on the supplied D3 scale. This is an abstract class, please create a {c3.Axis.x} or {c3.Axis.y}.

Axes may be attached to XY Plots or managed as a seperate DOM element for layout flexibility.


Direct Known Subclasses

c3.Axis.X c3.Axis.Y

Variables Summary

version =
type =
_next_uid =
scale =

[d3.scale, Boolean] Scale where the domain() specifies the units to display in the axis. c3 will automatically set the range(). If this axis is part of a plot, then the scale will default to the plot's horizontal or veritcal scale. Set to false to disable the scale from being drawn.

orient =

[String] Axis orientation. Use bottom or top for an X axis and left or right for a Y axis.

grid =

[Boolean] Set to true to draw grid lines as well as the axis

label =

[String] Text label for this axis

ticks =

[Boolean] Enable tick marks and labels

tick_label =

[Boolean, Function] Formater function for the tick label. Set to true for displaying the default tick values. _See d3.format_.

tick_values =

[Array] An array of manually set tick values to use instead of the scale's automatic tick generation.

tick_count =

[Number] Specify number of ticks to generate

tick_size =

[Number] Size of the tick marks in pixels

path_size =

[Number] Width of the path that forms a line along the length of the axis

axis_size =

[Number] The overall width of a horizontal axis or height of a vertical axis

Variable inherited from c3.Chart

type class options content_options anchor height width anchor_styles handlers

Instance Method Summary

Inherited Method Summary

Methods inherited from c3.Chart

#init #style #render #resize #redraw #restyle #_prep #_init #size #_size #update #_update #draw #_draw #_style

Constructor Details

# (void) constructor(opt)

Instance Method Details

# (void) _init() Bound

# (void) _draw() Bound

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