Class: c3.Plot.Layer Abstract

Defined in: js/


This class is abstract.

The root abstract class of layers for the c3 XY Plot Chart

Internal Interface

The internal interface that plot layers can implement essentially match the c3.Base internal abstract interface:

An additional method is added:


Each layer has the following members added:

Items should be positioned on the the layer using the layer's h and v scales. As a performance optimization some layers may create a g node with the scaled class. When the plot is zoomed then this group will have a transform applied to reflect the zoom so individual elements do not need to be adjusted. Please use the chart.orig_h scale in this case. Not that this approach does not work for many circumstances as it affects text aspect ratio, stroke widths, rounding errors, etc.


Direct Known Subclasses

c3.Plot.Layer.Stackable c3.Plot.Layer.Line.Straight c3.Plot.Layer.Region c3.Plot.Layer.Scatter c3.Plot.Layer.Swimlane

Variables Summary

version =
type =
_next_uid =
data =

[Array] Data for this layer This can be set for each individual layer or a default for the entire chart.

name =

[String] User name for this layer. This is used in legends, for example.

class =

[String] CSS class to assign to this layer for user style sheets to customize

static_data =

[Boolean] If true this layer is considered to have "static" data and will not update when redraw() is called.

h =

[d3.scale] Scale for the vertical Y axis for this layer. Please set the domain(), c3 will set the range(). The vertical scale may be set for the entire chart instead of for each layer.

v =

[d3.scale] Scale for the vertical Y axis for this layer. Please set the domain(), c3 will set the range(). The vertical scale may be set for the entire chart instead of for each layer.

x =

[Function] An accessor function to get the X value from a data item. This can be set for each individual layer or a default for the entire chart. Some plots support calling this accessor with the index of the data as well as the datum itself.

y =

[Function] An accessor function to get the Y value from a data item. This can be set for each individual layer or a default for the entire chart. Some plots support calling this accessor with the index of the data as well as the datum itself.

options =

[c3.Selection.Options] Options to set the class, classes, styles, events, and title for this layer.

handlers =

[Object] An object to setup event handlers to catch events triggered by this c3 layer. The keys represent event names and the values are the cooresponding handlers.

restyle =

Method to restyle this layer

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Details

# (void) constructor(opt)

Instance Method Details

# (void) init(chart, g) Bound

Internal function for the Plot to prepare the layer.

# (void) size(width, height) Bound

Resize the layer, but doesn't update the rendering, resize() should be used for that.

# (void) update(origin) Bound

Update the DOM bindings based on the new or modified data set

# (void) draw(origin) Bound

Position the DOM elements based on current scales.

# (void) style(style_new) Bound

Restyle existing items in the layer

# (void) zoom() Bound

Called when a layer needs to update from a zoom, decimated layers overload this

# (void) redraw(origin = 'redraw') Bound

Redraw just this layer

# (void) scale() Bound

Note: Needs to happen after update() so that stacked layers are computed

Adjust domains for layer scales for any automatic domains. For layer-specific automatic domains the layer needs its own scale defined, it cannot update the chart's shared scale.

# (void) min_x() Bound

# (void) max_x() Bound

# (void) min_y() Bound

# (void) max_y() Bound

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