Enable Cake builds for Less
Expose drag_line_options for straight line layers.

Enable Cake builds for TypeScript
fix path_options styling for path layers

Publish to NPM as "q3"

Initial Release

# Historic C4

* Disable page zooming over plots and capture 'pointer' events.
* Stackable layers tolerate empty data arrays for both layer and stacks.
* Fortify and update TypeScript typings
* Fix legend redraw() with nested bullets
* Fix plot_legend regression for animating stacked layers while zoomed

* Zoom plots center zoom action when axes are present.
* Bar graph automatic bar width based on neighbor proximity instead of linear distribution

* Add ability for path layers to render circles at data points along path
* Add safety check for duplicate stack keys to stackable layer `safe` mode
* Improve c4.selection options() interface
* Add .parent class to legend items with children

* Document the background svg:rect in plots for styling and event capture
* Fix plot_legend when layer has no data

* Fixes to TypeScript typing definition
* Fix class names applied when minified
* Fix to preserve the i,j parameter semantics for `title` in c4.selection.options when dealing with stacked data.

* crop_margins now supports 'x' and 'y' values.
* Add `safe` mode to c4.layer.scatter to tolerate positional accessors returning undefined

* Arrange source files to live in same directory as output files.

* Fix bar charts with a single bar and a bar_width specified as a percentage

* Add `safe` mode to c4.layer.stackable which will tolerate:
** Data not sorted along X axis
** Removing elements where X or Y are not defined
** Pad missing data for stacks
* Plot Legends do not render layer bullet glyphs for layers that are stacked.

* Make stacking of stackable layers tolerant of undefined y values.

Initial Release

    Quickly fuzzy find classes, mixins, methods, file:

    Control the navigation frame:

    You can focus and blur the search input: