Class: c3.Polar.Layer.Pie

Defined in: js/
Inherits: c3.Polar.Layer.Segment


A Pie Chart. If you limit elements and sort by value then you can defined other_options to create an arc segment that represents all of the "other" values.


Each layer creates the following c3.Selection members:


Variables Summary

version =
type =
sort =

[Boolean, Function] How to sort the partitioned pie chart segments. true sorts based on value, or you can define an alternative accessor function to be used for sorting. The other arc only appears if sort is true.

inner_radius =

[Number, Function] Inner radius of the arc segment. This may be called with undefined data for the "other" arc segment. The first argument is the data element the second argument is the index

outer_radius =

[Number, Function] Outer radius of the arc segment. The first argument is the data element the second argument is the index This may be called with undefined data for the "other" arc segment.

other_options =

[c3.Selection.Options] Options to apply for an "other" arc segment when limiting data with limit_elements For callbacks, the first argument is the data element the second argument is the index

Variable inherited from c3.Polar.Layer.Segment

version type key value limit_elements pad arc_options _next_uid data name class r t options handlers restyle

Instance Method Summary

Inherited Method Summary

Methods inherited from c3.Polar.Layer.Segment

#_init #_update #_draw #_style #get_position_from_key #init #size #_size #update #draw #style #redraw #toPolar

Instance Method Details

# (void) _init() Bound

# (void) _layout(data) Bound

# (void) _draw(origin) Bound

# (void) _style(style_new) Bound

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