Class: c3.Plot.Layer.Path Abstract

Defined in: js/
Inherits: c3.Plot.Layer.Stackable


This class is abstract.

Abstract chart layer for the XY Plot Chart. Please instantiate a c3.Plot.Layer.Line or c3.Plot.Layer.Area

Define an r or a to create circles at the various data points along the path with that associated radius or area.


The following c3.Selection members are made available if appropriate:


See also:

Direct Known Subclasses

c3.Plot.Layer.Line c3.Plot.Layer.Area

Variables Summary

version =
type =
path_generator_factory =

[Function] Factory to generate an SVG path string generator function. _See for details.

interpolate =

[String] The type of D3 line interpolation to use. _See d3.svg.area.interpolate for options._ Some useful examples:

  • linear - Straight lines between data points
  • basis - Smooth curve based on a B-spline, the curve may not touch the data points
  • cardinal - Smooth curve that intersects all data points.
  • step-before - A step function where the horizontal segments are to the left of the data points
  • step-after - A step function where the horizontal segments are to the right of the data points
tension =

[Number] The tension value [0,1] for cardinal interpolation. _See d3.svg.area.tension._

defined =

[Function] Accessor function you can return true or false if the data point in data[] is defined or should be skipped. _See d3.svg.area.defined._ Note that this will cause disjoint paths on either side of the missing element, it will not render a continuous path that skips the undefined element. For that behaviour simply enable safe mode and have the x or y accessor return undefined.

r =

[Number, Function] Define to create circles at the data points along the path with this radius.

a =

[Number, Function] Define to create circles at the data points along the path with this area. Takes precedence over r.

path_options =

[c3.Selection.Options] Options for the svg:path. For example, to enable animations.

circle_options =

[c3.Selection.Options] If circles are created at the data points via r or a, then this defines options used to style or extend them.

label_options =

[c3.Selection.Options] Create labels for each datapoint with these options

Variable inherited from c3.Plot.Layer.Stackable

version type stack_options stacks safe _next_uid data name class static_data h v x y options handlers restyle

Instance Method Summary

Inherited Method Summary

Methods inherited from c3.Plot.Layer.Stackable

#_stack #_update #_style #min_x #max_x #min_y #max_y #init #size #update #draw #style #zoom #redraw #scale

Instance Method Details

# (void) _init() Bound

# (void) _update(origin) Bound

# (void) _draw(origin) Bound

# (void) _style(style_new) Bound

# (void) min_x() Bound

# (void) max_x() Bound

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